Personal desktop computers - what a computer means to you?

What a computer means to you?

Answer this question to know what is your purpose using a computer. A computer, the term, can be varied - it maybe your laptop, your desktop PC, you MacBook or simply your iPad.

All of them are computers on the outsite.

Most people dont know what a computer means to them, then ended up with a mindset - they dont know what to do, using computer just to wasting time without enhancing productivity. Gamers know what to do with their computer - they use it as gaming machine.

Internet surfer, web socialists, Facebookers, Twitterers uses computer everyday to get conntected with family members, friends, loved ones and mutual trusts. Business people uses computer to enhance their business image, to gain new contacts, to organize things, to store important data, to present a proposal and to gain more profit.

You must know what a computer means to you so can get the best out of it.

Computer crated to help us making the job easier. dont let your life get hooked into computer. Be human. Use computer as a tool, rather than be controlled by it.

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