Personal desktop computers - 3 steps how to clean up your desktop computer in safe way

Personal desktop computers - 3 tips how to clean up your desktop computer in the a safe way
Desktop computer consists of these parts, they are:

1. The central processing unit (called as CPU for short)
2. Monitor, a display device, either flat screen monitor or the traditional VGA monitor.
3. Input device - keyboard and mouse.
4. Output device, speakers or printer.

Want to know how to clean up your dekstop computer in the safe way?

Here's 3 steps how to do it.

Step 1: Always use blower to throw away dust.

Always clean up your internal part in the CPU every week, at least once in every 7 days. The CPU unit collects dust, it prevents from flowing out smoothly, making CPU unit becomes hotter.

The hot environment in the CPU unit damages the processor due to uncontrolled, collected heat. Be warned about this because it will cost you huge sum of money for replacement part. Using brushes to clear away dust is good, but the best trick is to use vacuum blower because the strong wind from the blower wipe up dust entirely. Just do not put the blower too close with the internal part in the CPU, especially the motherboard.

Step 2: Avoid to use wet towel.

Do not use wet towel to clean up your flat screen monitor. Most flat display device uses LCD. If you always clean up the monitor using wet towels, the wetness from the towel will goes deep into it, damages the screen. The effect will be unwanted line on screen or several black 'dots', a sign of dead crystal display.

Step 3: Cleans up each components individually.

Learn how to pull out CPU part individually. They are easier to clean outside the CPU unit.

Pull out the cables and put each parts (the hard disc, processor fan, processor heat sink, the power supply, motherboard, RAM stick) on different spot on your table or on the floor. Spent time to clean each part one by one. You can do high quality cleaning of these parts, do it alone or with someone.

Do not use wet towel to clean up those part. Uses a soft tissue, a blower or small paint brush to clear away dust.

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