Google Chrome 13.0.782.218 Is The Stable Version So Far

Google Chrome web browser has now being updated to version 15.0.865.0 which is a Beta version, this one is different from Chrome Plus web browser. But this is not a very stable version. You will have several browser crash several time when you use it. From the official Google Chrome blog, the developer team released most stable version so far for public use and public downloads, named Google Chrome 13.0.782.218. You can call Google Chrome 13 as the 'most stable version' so far. Mozilla firefox is catching up fast, their latest version is Firefox 7.0 Beta 1, availabe for free download from FileHippo dot com. For a quick install, download Google Chrome 13.0.782.218 from the official link below, made for Windows, Mac and Linux. Google Chrome is also a name for Google's new operating system for computers called Google Chrome OS.

Google Chrome 15 Beta download -