Looking for computer online store Malaysia or Malaysia online computer store? If you want to buy latest model of tablet computer, laptop, desktop pc, new notebook model or computer hardware, here is our list of Malaysia online computer store. Most of the online tech store listed below has been fully operational several years ago, so you can trust these sellers because they are registered companies with online presence.
Some of these Malaysia online computer store also sells handy digital gadgets such as digital camera, mp3 players, mobile phone, smartphone, computer accessories and laptop accessories, high definition (HD) LCD tv and PDA (personal digital assistant). Use our list to guide you on your online shopping. Currency used is Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) and US DOllars (USD). You need to register first into these website, please select your personal ID (username) and your personal password befor you start buying tech goodies, this list will be updated frequently.
Malaysia Online Computer Store - Auction Site
- Lelong Malaysia
- eBay Malaysia
Malaysia Online Computer Store - Computer Brand
- Dell Malaysia - http://www.dell.com/my/p
- Apple Malaysia - http://store.apple.com/my
- Sony Style Malaysia - http://www.sonystyle.com.my
- HP Online Store Malaysia - http://www.hp.com.my/store
- Panasonic Malaysia Online Store - http://direct.panasonic.com.my/
Malaysia Online Computer Store - Online Tech Shopping Website
- Lowyat - http://www.lowyat.net/v2/
- Superbuy - http://www.superbuy.my/shop/c-203-computers.aspx
- Fresh Gear - http://www.freshgear.com.my/
- You Beli - http://www.youbeli.com/
- PC Depot - http://www.pcdepot.com.my/
- i1mygadgets - http://www.i1mygadgets.com/
- PC Harbour - http://www.thepcharbor.com/shop/en/
- Mobile Megamall - http://mobilemegamall.com/index.php
- IT Hyperstore - http://www.ithyperstore.com.my/
- Dunco - http://www.dunco.com.my/
- Evernew - http://www.evernew.com.my/
- Buy Laptop - http://buylaptop.com.my/
- Thundermatch - http://www.thundermatch.com.my/
- Techzone - http://www.techzone.com.my/
- IQ Quest - http://www.iqquest.com.my/mbc/main.php
- Yeah Store - http://www.yeahstore.com
- Mobile88 - http://www.mobile88.com
- OrderZones - http://www.orderzones.com/
- M3Shoppe - http://www.m3shoppe.com/
- Shashinki.com - http://shashinki.com
- Online365Days - http://www.online365days.com
- aa2u - http://www.aa2u.com.my
- Celxis - http://www.celxis.com/
- Cheap-Electronic-Store - http://www.cheap-electronic-store.com/
- ModernoPC - http://www.modernopc.com
- EC-Lifestyle Online Store - http://www.ec-lifestyle.com
- Best Price Malaysia - http://bestpricemalaysia.com/categories.asp?boardid=600000
- Ashashi Online - http://www.asashionline.com/
Malaysia Online Computer Store - Software Seller
- Computer Age - http://www.computerage.com.my/
- Software Malaysia - http://softwaremalaysia.com.my/index.htm
wow, thanks! I am looking for this!
ReplyDeleteHello, i find that these two website you provide with different address have same interface?
ReplyDeleteMalaysia Online Computer Store - Software Seller
* Computer Age - http://www.computerage.com.my/
* Software Malaysia - http://softwaremalaysia.com.my/index.htm
Yup, those two web pages has same interface, same design because it is from same company, named Computer Age. On Software Malaysia, you can find various software listed on left sidebar.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the information...