How to block any ads to appear on your screen using Adblock in Google Chrome.

block any ads to appear on your screen using Adblock in Google Chrome.

Ads (short name for advertisements) are annoying. Most of us hate to see ads. Those ads begging of us to click on them, bombering our screen with unneeded offers.

Why you need to block ads to appear on your computer screen? Its just like watching movie on tv without any commercial ads. You enjoy the entertainment smoothly without anything appear to distract your focus.

To block any ads to appear in Google Chrome web browser, you need to install an extension called AdBlock. This is a very popular extension, highly rated by Google Chrome users from around the world.

To start using Adblock, search for it by clicking on to "Most Popular" link on Google Chrome Extensions page. You will see AdBlock name at the top of the popularity list.

Installing AdBlock is easy. Installation process takes 1-2 seconds to finish dependson your internet connection speed.

After you clicked on "Install" button, Google Chrome will download AdBlock right away. To install it, Google Chrome will ask for your permission by displaying a box titled with "Install AdBlock? This extension can access: Your data on all websites".

Click "install" button to start the installation process, it takes 1-3 seconds. Install the AdBlock button from another link provided in AdBlock setting section available within Google Chrome Extensions settings (options - extensions - Adblock - options)

Here's top 4 benefits of installing AdBlock:

1. AdBlock will 'block' any kind of ads each time you open up a website, a web page or a blog. Those ads can be flash based ads, textual ads, flashy ads or image based ads. Enjoy your readings, no more ads after this. You will see any of them, again.

2. This extension will block the annoying ads displayed in YouTube videos each time you watch them online (still in testing phase, however you can still enjoy it).

3. AdBlock will not hide the ads from being displayed, it prevents ads from being displayed instead by disabling the downloading process of the image at the time the site appears on your screen. How wonderful.

4. You can set personalized ads blocking option to suit your preference. If you think Adsense ads to be a helpful textual advertisement, you can allow Adsense ads to be appeared by changing the setting. There is a setting for filtered ads, black list ads (totally unwanted ads!) and excluded sites ads setting (any site you allow to display ads).

After you've installed AdBlock, test it by opening your Facebook account. Click "Profile". When your personal profile appears, you will see there are no ads to be displayed by Facebook on the right side of the screen.

block any ads to appear on your screen using Adblock in Google Chrome
I love AdBlock. How about you?

As our way of saying thank you, lest support the creator of AdBlock, Michael Gundlach.

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