Now emails has a new face. Go to and you will see more new stuffs. This site more like Yahoo where you can browse for latest news, gossips, videos, gadget, get to know new friends, play latest games, listen to new songs for free.
To enjoy all this you need to register for account first. What is the benefit being a member? You can..
1. Get 10GB storage space for your email.
2. Link your emails easily in a sequence, so you can read it whenever you want, according to your priority.
3. Set a scheduled email. This is unique function, not availabe in Gmail or Yahoo Mail.
4. Create your personalized playslist and share it with friends, family or a stranger.
5. Show what you've found on the Internet, make it as your favourite item and tell others about it, just like when Internet user do that with the bookmarking sites.
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