It is an online software, installed to the host of the site. When your browser visits this site hat being installed with ActiveX, the software inside will be activated automatically to ensure the 'script' works properly.
Be careful. You may not know this.
ActiveX prorams can make your computer malfunctioned or give contents you dont want. In some serious cases in the previou years, ActiveX programs can be used by hackers or strangers to collect information from your computer without any consent.
The effect? it will be seriuous data damages, installed unknown sofware without your own permission or allowing someone else to control the computer you're using.
How to avoid ActiveX threats? Here's the guide...
You should only install ActiveX programs if you completely, deeply, madly trust the publisher or the web site owner. If you're using Internet Explorer 6.0 and above, the browser will automatically display the golden bar below the adress bar.
The sentence displayed is "To help protect your computer, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for more options...
Believe me, i've been there.
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