More and more laptop computers will use i7, new processor made by Intel. It said to delivers better perofrmance and higher speed in laptops, enable user to enjoy better working experience and better entertainment on long battery life. Those specification will be added with arrival of Windows 7 operating system made by Microsoft said to be twice more stable than Windows Vista, faster than Windows XP.
Core i7 processor will beat Intel Pentium and Intel Celeron M processor that currently installed in many laptops produced within the year of 2008-2009. During year 2010, Acer, Compaq, HP, Gateway, Lenovo and Dell will turn onto i7 processor and Windows 7 while Google Android and Linux Ubuntu as optional operating system.
What benefit this wiil give to laptop user? They will get faster laptop, lighter laptop within cheaper price, maybe twice more cheaper than before.
Currently at this time, famous laptops mainly runs on Intel Core 2 Duo processor, Intel Centrino, AMD Athlon or Turion as the processor chip. However, this may change soon. Acer, however, still not yet produced laptops with Core i7 as main processor.
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