This new laptop from Gigabyte installed with Intel Atom N270 processor with processor speed at 1.6Ghz. It has 1GB DDR RAM capacity, 160GB hard disc drive storage capacity, 11.2 inch screen size with 1024 x 600 screen resolution. Its called "booktop" because its a netbook laptop that stands vertically like a nettop when inserted into its dock.
Gigabyte M1220M is the world's first netbook with 6 usb ports - 3 in the left and another 3 in the right. Gigabyte designed this netbook with its own docking port similar to what we seen in nettop (a small cpu) just like Acer Aspire Revo or BenQ Eco Lite U121.
So, you can use Gigabyte M1220M as a nettop at one time for simple home entertainment. Then use it as a netbook at another time, for example while typing a document of internet surfing.
Gigabyte Booktop M1220M is a mix between netbook and nettop. When Gigabyte M1220M is inside its dock, you can connect the dock to external screen for larger display size than laptop's screen, to external speaker for better and louder audio sound. Gigabyte M1220M other hardware specifications are:
- full sized QWERTY keyboard
- the touchpad buttons is located at right and lef of the trackpad not below the trackpad
- 3-cells battery, lasts up to 6 minutes
- 1 year warranty
- can be used as a CPU for desktop computer
Gigabyte Booktop M1220M the best laptop for you? YES, if you want 3 functions in one small laptop - a netbook, nettop and desktop computer.
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