Our frequently asked question

Qistina answered...

Why the name changed from Redmunt to Gadnotes?
With Gadnotes, i simply telling on stories that i personall feel it was useful for other people, i love to tell stories they didnt know about. I changed the name because Redmunt always collide with 'Redmont", a hotel booking company in search engine result page. I want to differentiate my blog from hotel booking company. Otherwise, i would be a disaster.

Why you choose to cover gadgets?
I love technology very much and i'm very passionate when talking about it. I use blog as a tool to share my pasion with someone else out there who love to read about gadgets, laptops, spyign gadgets and latest news in technology.

From where you update this site?
I live in Malaysia and i'm a Muslim girl. To be exact, i live in Sabah, Malaysia, in east region. I started using computer since my fifth grade in secondary school and since that my passion grow deeply. My first laptop is Toshiba Dynabook and i learned so much about computer's technical aspect myself, fully driven by deep curiosity. The first desktop computer i've repaired was using Pentium 4 chip with 128MB of RAM owned by my younger sister.

Why use Google Blogger as your blogging platform?
Google Blogger is best blogging platfrom i ever met apart from using Worpress. I love Google and i am a passionate Google user and i believe in their products. I dare to say i cant live without using Google once in my daily life. Google make my life becomes so wonderful. Thanks Google!

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