Laptop speakers - Altec Lansing Stage-Gig speaker for best gaming experience

Laptop speakers - Altec Lansing Stage-Gig speaker for best gaming experience

If you love to hear big noisy sound while playing games for your laptop, i suggest this new laptop speaker to you. It is from Altec Lansing and the name is Stage-Gig speaker.

From its name, we know what this speaker gives us - high quality, clear, loud sound while we play games on our laptop. Anything comes from Altec Lansing is a good product.

When buying for laptop speakers, i suggest you to buy Altec Lansing because their laptop speakers is really good! But, you need some high budget to purchase those speakers. Usually high quality hardwares comes with high price. Its worth what you pay for!

Stage-Gig speakers is also suitable to be inserted into gaming consoles such as Sony Playstation, PSP Go or Xbox 360 and you can add more additional speaker into it via its audio external plug. This speker has 40-watt sound capacity and comes with 6.5 inch subwoofer.

Altec Lansing installed audio alignment technology to make sure Satage-Gig speaker works smoothly with various electronic device. Its sold at $99.99 (about RM300 Malaysian Ringgit) scheduled to hit user market around November 2009.

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