Google trying their best to block pornographic images from reaching Chinese audience. China is a country full of rules. You cant do that and you cant do this. You have to obey the government.
They block any electronic products to come from inside. Alternatively, they make their own, similar to the original one. That is the princip that started NOKLA - Nokia Look Alike because China government doesnt allow Nokia phones to enter the country.
The problem is similar to the internet. Altough Chinese people opens to the internet, they still have to obey rules. Cant open that, cant open this. China government warned Google not to display porn image in their search result.
But, that is comes near to impossible. Google image crawler taken in all kind of images, includes porn image then display them if Chinese user searching for them. Preventing Google from crawling those image will give their engineers a big headache.
To China government, Google Moderate SafeSearch technology still not enough. They want better. Great Firewall has to do better also, more better from its current best level.
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