Google is an
internet search engine founded by two brilliant boys, Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they are still students in Stanford University.
Google domain name, was registered on 15 September 1997. Google got its name from a mistaken spelling word of Googol. Google attract lots of search engine users because of Google gives fast, and precice search result better than other web search. Google gives better web application compared to other free products and servicesin the same class starting from emails, videos, documents, web alerts, free websites, blogging platform and instant messaging.
Google gains popularity because they offer useful and value added products better than any other provider, such as Yahoo. For example, most internet user will set search website as their homepage and use
Google search box to find information they need on the internet. Other than that,
Google indexes web content 5 times faster than any other web crawlers, making
Google the leader in search engine industry.
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