Click the Windows Security Alerts icon, usually a red shield with an "X" mark. Windows Security Center menu box will automatically appeared. Look at the resource. Find a link titled with "Change the way Security Center alerts me". Click on that link.
Alert setting menu box will appear right after that. Here is the section where you can change the way security center alerts you up. Untick all the button. Why? Even one of the feature turned off, Windows Security Center will not automatically alerting you about it.
Don't worry, it is just alerts. Make sure you do what we recommended. Check your anti virus, either its fully functional and active. Turn on your default windows firewall. Turn off the automatic update (because you have an option to update your Windows manually in spare time during weekends).
If you prefer automatic updates, turn it on but this will slows down computer performance while you browsing the internet, because the updates are being downloaded in the background. You cant see or monitor the download process either. For some computer user, automatic updates is annoying.
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